FPGASID first production lot
Gepostet am: 21.10.2018 09:51:25
Before we come to the bad news, let's have a look at the good news:
A week ago we have received the first production lot of FPGASIDs from our manufacturer! All devices are working fine and wait for their shipment!
But, the bad news is that we cannot ship the devices without the accessory cables that are required for proper operation. And we are still waiting for those cables...
The samples we received from the cable manufacturer were not usable due to a couple of issues. So we had to go into another loop with the manufacturer... . With some luck we can get the cables in November.
Of course, we will start shipping immediately once we have everything in place.
The regular market introduction price will now be 74,95€. This is slightly more than promised due to some unforeseen cost. Sorry for this.